First Engagement Session in Terrace, British Columbia - October 27, 2022
On October 27, 2022, the first in-person Listening Session to collect input towards the National Strategy was hosted in Terrace, British Columbia. The session was held in collaboration with the Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity and Recreational Council (ISPARC), the Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Body for British Columbia. During the four-hour session, feedback was collected from approximately forty participants, inclusive of Elders, recreation directors, athletes, coaches, community recreation and wellness coordinators, leaders of sports associations, and representatives from Indigenous organizations, all with an interest in the planning, facilitation, and/or participation in sport, physical activity, recreation, and traditional practices.
During the session, key areas of discussion included how participants would define sport, physical activity, recreation, and traditional practices, what barriers or challenges exist to participation, what participants would like to see moving forward, and what is needed (in terms of resources) to implement a National Strategy on Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity, Recreation, and Traditional Practices (National Strategy).
The feedback collected through the discussion is extremely valuable as it will help to inform an understanding of the current state of Indigenous sport, physical activity, recreation, and traditional practices, and what needs to be included in the National Strategy to meet the needs of Indigenous people across Canada and address some of the challenges and barriers preventing access today.
The first session was an informative and insightful experience that fueled the momentum and excitement to continue sessions both within British Columbia and across Canada, where there will be an opportunity to hear even more stories from a diverse range of interested parties.
We would like to thank ISPARC for organizing the event and providing the time for discussion on the National Strategy, as well as all the participants who attended the session, shared their stories and provided valuable input that will feed into the development of the National Strategy.
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